Saturday, November 14, 2009

Slight random updates

I keep going from one writing project to the next. I have several writings in various stages of completion. The thing about this that bothers me is .....

1.) If I have a solo project that needs to go on the back burner for a while, and I start a new solo project, it can be a while before I return to the first.
2.) If I am working on a solo project and need to place it on the back burner, and begin work on a joint writing venture, my writing partner always seems to have things pop up.
3.) A mixture of the above factors + some.

In other news, I quit my job in the beginning of October, and am currently seeking other employment opportunities. This time, though, I plan on being more selective about where I work. I'm not going to put up with the toxic politics of arrogant people and their bullshit drama without receiving some form of compensation. Wherever I settle on, I plan on letting them know up front that I am no one's servant, bitch, slave or several other word-isms.

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